Arty photograph of 4 book-shaped christmas presents in brown paper, with a scattering of baubles and christmas tree branches

2023 Market research into Christmas shopping habits

As a Sunderland-based market research agency we’re lucky enough to have an engaged resident research community that supports us throughout the year by taking part in market research projects on behalf of the likes of Sunderland BID, Sunderland City Council and the Foundation of Light. 

As a thank you for their support, we wanted to create a survey that included a chance to win a £100 Sunderland Gift Card in time for Christmas, and to find out about their Christmas shopping habits so that we could share the findings with businesses around Sunderland. 

Between August and September, we had 339 residents of Sunderland take part in the survey and the results are in! 

To view the full report, feel free to look through the report on this link. 

To wrap up (get it!) the findings though, here’s what we found most fascinating:  

  • 82% said that they ‘always’ or ‘often’ look for discounts and offers to get money off  (are you listening retailers?!)
  • 32% save for Christmas throughout the year, 11% borrow on credit cards and overdrafts with the intention to pay back after Christmas
  • 43% agreed (net score) that they’re struggling to make ends meet as a household currently and 44% said that they’ll have less money to spend this Christmas. 
  • Whilst online shopping continues to grow, reassuringly 82% said that they’ll do some of their Christmas shopping in Sunderland City Centre. 

We’ve also designed an infographic to see the stats at a glance! 


If you’re interested in finding out how a resident survey could help your business, whether you’re in Sunderland, the North East, the UK or even globally, please get in touch today by contacting  

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

Got a project in mind? Please get in touch.