Our Work

We’re proud of the work that we do and the testimonials we receive from our clients. In fact, much of our work is repeat business from existing clients, or client referrals, which we think speaks volumes.

Our clients include

Recent Work

North East BIC’s tenant survey and NPS score

North East BIC’s tenant survey and NPS score

North East BIC commissioned us to run a tenant satisfaction survey and NPS score for their Sunderland tenants to understand what they were doing right and what they could do to further improve their service to the businesses that utilised their centres.

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Product concept testing research for Affotek

Product concept testing research for Affotek

Affotek produce innovative and affordable wearable medical technology to detect a range of conditions and health issues. While considering broadening their product offering with non-medical wearable devices (wearables), they commissioned us to gauge perceptions towards an innovative new device format. ​

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Mental health insights and research for Healthwatch

Mental health insights and research for Healthwatch

Healthwatch South Tyneside commissioned us to develop an understanding of how, if at all, the COVID-19 pandemic had impacted on the mental health of adults in the area, and whether the experience of service users had been affected as a result of changes ensuring adherence to Government guidelines. 

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Got a project in mind? Please get in touch.