The North East BIC is a social enterprise dedicated to supporting small businesses, and manages a number of business centres across the region.
In early 2023, they commissioned MMC Research & Marketing to run a tenant satisfaction survey for their Sunderland tenants to understand what they were doing right and what they could do to further improve their service to the businesses that utilised their centres. They decided to include a Net Promoter Score (NPS) to hold a recognisable rating as well as benchmark for future research.
Our short survey delved into tenant satisfaction and potential areas for improvement, with the results leading MMC Research & Marketing to recommend running focus groups to deep dive into the points raised. Participation levels for the survey were high, with a total of 51 tenants completing the survey (33% completion rate).
When North East BIC saw the survey findings, they agreed with our recommendation and focus groups were subsequently commissioned to explore topics such as building maintenance, parking, communication with tenants and collaboration opportunities, with a view to improving tenant satisfaction further.
In addition to our typical PowerPoint presentation, we provided a thematic Word report detailing the focus group findings, which included an Executive Summary and Recommendations.
Overall, the results of the research were remarkably positive, with the findings indicating that the majority of tenants were satisfied with the BIC and an outstanding NPS of 76.
Within days of receiving their insights, the BIC had started to implement changes and improvements with its offer as a result of the research findings.