Newcastle Hospitals Charity conducts brand perception research

The brand perception research we conducted via MMC Research & Marketing enabled us to understand perception and awareness of our brand within local communities. Armed with facts and insights we are confident that future brand and messaging will resonate with people and ultimately help us reach our goals.
Chris Ham | Newcastle Hospitals Charity


Newcastle Hospitals Charity (NHC) was uncertain about its brand awareness and familiarity among the people of the North East.

They wanted to understand how people engage with charities in the region and assess their current perception of NHC and, in conjunction with Karol Marketing, their marketing agency, hired us to conduct this research for them. 


MMC conducted a comprehensive research study using a mixed-methods approach: 

  • Online Survey: Collected quantitative data from 264 respondents. 
  • Face-to-Face Interviews: Conducted 102 interviews in Newcastle City Centre. 
  • Focus Groups: Held 2 online focus groups with 18 participants. 


The research provided valuable insights into: 

  • Public awareness and familiarity with NHC. 
  • Perceptions of NHC’s brand and mission. 
  • Engagement patterns with charities in the North East. 
  • Feedback on suggested taglines. 

These insights will inform future marketing campaigns for NHC, helping them to increase brand awareness and engagement with their target audience. 

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